Words by: Lovisa Fahlgren
Published on: 2 March, 2023
In this picture I am on the right and my brother, on the left. We are sitting in our maternal grandparents’ hallway. On our way home [after a visit], dressed in the colours of the city’s hockey team. Date: Unknown. Photographer: Gunder Lindmark.
I am dressed in pink, eating a hotdog here. My 1,5-year-old younger brother is in black. My sister is 1,5-year-old younger than my brother. I think we had been on a slope skiing or sledging. Date: Unknown. Photographer: Gunder Lindmark.
The family at Storforsen. In order, we have my mum Malin, my brother Sixten, my sister Liv, my dad Peter and myself, Lovisa. My maternal granddad is the one taking the picture and grandmum can be seen a bit in the frame to the left. We have been on excursions to Storforsen on countless occasions. Date: Unknown. Photographer: Gunder Lindmark.
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